Tomato, freshness and quality all year round

Tomates anciennes de Provence Producteur

The range seg­men­ta­tion offers an attrac­tive varie­ty of pro­duce fla­vours and colours. They are eat-en on a dai­ly basis, year round, and are an essen­tial vege­table and ingre­dient in any well-sto­cked kitchen.

An array flavours and colours

To each ter­roir its toma­to sea­son! In sum­mer, Pro­vence is the realm of French toma­toes: the sun, the heat and the bright­ness are always ensure the toma­to an opti­mal growth. Qua­li­ty and Medi­ter­ra­nean fla­vor assu­red!

Photo de tomates anciennes de Provence rouges

Idyl offers the whole toma­to range. In sum­mer in Pro­vence, the old-time toma­toes, the rounds, the oblong toma­toes, the on-the-wine toma­toes and the cher­ry toma­toes are at the top of the qua­li­ty. From the nur­se­ry to the shelves, Idyl imple­ments rigo­rous pro­ce­dures eve­ry day to gua­ran­tee food safe­ty and taste qua­li­ty.



Ori­gin : Provence

- Round cher­ry tomatoes
Oblong cher­ry tomatoes
On-the-vine cher­ry tomatoes
On-the-vine cock­tail tomatoes

Packa­ging :

Bulk : 3 kg and 4 kg packages

Consu­mer units – Pun­nets – Pun­nets + Flow pack

All packa­ging on request

Photo d'une grappe de tomates cocktail
Photo d'une tomate ronde Idyl découpée


Brands : IDYL

Ori­gin : Provence

Calibres : 47 to 102 mm


Bulk: 6 kg packages and 7 kg trays

Net – Pun­nets – Flow pack

All packa­ging on request

Stick tomates Idyl

Idyl, producteur et tellement plus !

Recettes, idées et astuces sur nos emballages !