Exotic F&V


Ananas par Idyl

With its orga­nic fruit and vege­tables pro­duc­tion part­ners, the Tri­bu éco­lo brand is com­mit­ted to sup­por­ting a com­pre­hen­sive approach to sus­tai­nable agri­cul­ture. Consu­mers are the focus and rea­son for this approach. Idyl mar­kets the entire range of orga­nic fruit and vege­tables by selec­ting clo­sest pos­sible ori­gins. Exo­tic fruit and vege­tables from the best sources are also avai­lable year round.

Organic growing

Organic growing

Organic Mediterranean origins  Harvests

Organic Pomegranate

Janua­ry to june, Tur­key origin.

Organic Citrus

Janua­ry to december :
Nave­li­na, Nave­late, Valen­cia Late and Taroc­co oranges, South Afri­ca origin.
Star Ruby and Ruby Red pome­los, South Afri­ca origin.

Organic Pineapple

Janua­ry to decem­ber, Cos­ta Rica origin.

Organic Mangoes

Decem­ber to june, Peru origin.

Organic Pome fruits

Janua­ry to december :
Williams pear, Argen­ti­na origin.
Hay­ward, Green Light and yel­low Sore­li kiwi, Chile and New Zea­land origin.

Organic Coconut

Janua­ry to decem­ber, Ivo­ry Coast origin.

Organic Avocados

Janua­ry to decem­ber : Hass avo­ca­do, Domi­ni­can Repu­blic, Mexi­co and Peru origin.

Organic Ginger and turmeric

Janua­ry to decem­ber, Peru origin.